Tuesday 28 February 2012

Binary Oppositions and Semiotics

Firstly, Semiotics suggests how a concept or an idea can be portrayed through symbols, motifs and signs. Mofits, for example, can be used throughout a film as a reccuring theme- this can be related to The Coen Brothers work which we studied in class, as they constantly used metaphorical motifs to suggest another hidden meaning within the film- more than just what meets the eye at first. Semiotics are often linked together during a film- this is known as a 'Semiotic Field'- an example of this semiotic field could be Money, relating to Poverty and Wealth- therefore these are the two binary opposits to 'Money'.

Relating this to filming, this technique is often used to bring two ideas toegther using the dramatic different to generally suggest conflict etc. In The Dark Kight , it contains a fantastic, unique sense of Binary Oppisition throughout as the basic form would be 'Good vs Evil', however it seems to dive much deeper into this- it is not just Hero vs Villian, there is many connections between each element in the film. Innocent people can become 'corrupted' and change completley when they are pushed to their obsolute limits- good and evil lives in everyone and it takes certian situations or things to bring it out.

Binary opposition is a fantastic technique which we can keep in mind when filming and writing the script for our thriller. Our thriller will play on the idea that even the best of friends can have their troubles, and certian situations can bring out the worst in people- the classic 'good vs evil' is hidden amoungst our opening that the audience are able to see, yet the characters are less aware- also playing on Dramatic Irony to keep the audience on their toes.

Lauren Taylor.

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