Sunday 11 March 2012

Preliminary ideas sheet-11th March

Preliminary ideas sheet-11th March

Today we formed the basic idea of our thriller. Not only did we come up with the first 5 minutes that we need to film we also thought ahead and came up with the rest of the movie. Of course some ideas may change as filming some parts may not work, but we can experiment with different ideas when we come to filming. The thriller will start with the main charter Rose washing her hands in the sink as they are covered in blood, the camera will zoom in from behind and then shows her face through a mirror and zooms into her eye and fades to black to show the time change into the next clip. The school will be established as this meets the codes and conventions of a thriller and shows the equilibrium where they are in an ordinary situation. Rose will finish school and come running down the stairs to meet Maddie her best friend. We will empathise her foot steps and hand sliding down the stairs to create and a sinister and chilling effect. Rose will meet Maddie and they will have a conversation walking home from school. We will have motifs foreshadowing Maddie’s death and the first will start when Maddie walks to into the road and nearly gets run over but Rose manages to save her. They continue walking home but it will cut to later on in their journey and they start to get ready for a party round Maddie’s house. A photo will fall on the floor and there will be a rip by Maddie’s face, this also foreshadows events that will later follow, then an iPod will be switched on in the room they are getting ready and it will fade into the party scene creating a sound bridge. We intend to have dub step music in the background that will be homemade so it is copyright free. Drugs will be taken and screams will be heard, Rose kills Maddie and a bloody hand will appear but the audience will be unaware that Maddie is dead. It will then cut back to the morning where Rose is washing her bloody hands in the sink. The audience may associate Maddie’s bloody hand for Roses and will not be aware of the events that have taken place. This will be the end of our thriller but to continue, Rose and her friends find out that Maddie is missing. They try and figure out what has happened to get there friend back, but someone in school has a video of Rose killing Maddie (which no one at this point is aware of as Rose can’t remember the previous night) and blackmails them by asking for drugs and money in exchange for a clue. In the end he asks for sex which the girls refuse so in the school assembly the clip of Rose killing Maddie is revealed in front of the whole year. This is our idea so far and we will develop our first five minutes into different scenes. We aim to include a focus pull at the party and hope to establish that rose and Maddie are best friends within this whole film, so we need to represent their closeness. By creating a script we will gain a clearer understanding of the different scenes that we need to film. We will also make a story board of potential shots we may include, but I am sure many things will be developed and changed in the process of producing and directing our thriller. We aim to employ a cast of actors and want to hold an audition.
Update- We created our script and storyboard and came up with a clearer storyline with more structured scenes as the conversation on the way home was devised and the getting ready at Maddie’s has been organised. The conversation at the beginning is about boys as we have based our thriller on a teen thriller movie and the party scene continues the boy drama situation as Rose bumps into her love interest that is discussed as they are walking home. Rose goes outside with him where they flirt and are offered weed. Maddie comes looking for them and tells Rose she is crossing the line. Rose breaks out into a drunken scene and Maddie pulls her away from the party outside, where they ran and scream and the camera goes blurry so the audience can’t see the killing as Rose kills Maddie in a drunken state but all the audience see is a bloody hand originally going to be filmed on a letter box in a layby but because of filming restrictions we ended up filming it outside my house on a tree trunk. The audience sees Rose washing her hands covered in blood at the beginning of the movie and end, they may associate Maddie’s hand when she dies with Roses, this ensures a twist at the end as we have misleads the audience. The storyboard was not kept to entirely as some shots could not be achieved, we added in a lot of framing that was not storyboarded and adapted to the location filming as this changed from our original plans (this has been talked about on the blog previously) We also decided to cast ourselves and friends as the actors as this was easiest considering that employing a cast would be difficult because they may have not been free on the dates we needed to film. There were also a lot of re shoots that needed to be filmed immediately and having ourselves as actors this was easy as we were always available. The costumes went to plan as we decided to wear casual smart clothes leaving school as we are in sixth form (and this is established from the establishing shot before hand of the sixth form centre sign) and party clothes for the party scene. I was originally wearing a dress in the script but wore a skirt so we adapted the script as we went along depending on little things we needed to change. For example we didn’t have vodka and coke so we changed it to Malibu and pineapple. It was small changes like these that were made in the script whilst filming. Overall I think we were very organised with our planning and adapted the things necessary as we went along. I think our thriller has been successful because of our organization.

By Jordan Gale 

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