Friday 23 March 2012

23rd March- Filming Scene One

23rd March, Filming Scene One.
Today we were successful and stuck to our Timeline and Plan for filming as we filmed scene one- which is situated by the fire escape and front of the school grounds.
The storyboard was very useful, yet as we filmed certain planned shots needed to be changed so the filming was more fluent. We decided to not film the section where Rose is washing her hands, as we will film this with the other inside section (Scene 2- Bedroom/Bathroom, after Maddie and Rose have walked home). We chose to dive straight into the action and not include an extablishing shot, instead we started with a close up of Rose's feet walking down the fire excape stairs- when we start to edit this, the 'bang' of the door opening will be echoed and increased in volume to immediatley start foreshadowing danger. The next shot consists of a long shot of Rose running down the stairs from a simular angle. We then moved the camera to a long shot, moving off from the stairs and shooting from the ground, facing the stairs to provide a clip of Rose angrily walking and holding onto the banister, before it then cuts to a close up of Roses hand sliding down the banister of the second set of stairs, before she meets Maddie at the bottom. We made sure that we kept the 180 Degree rule in mind, and chose our fourth wall which we would not see whilst filming. The next section to film was a consistant tracking shot from a slight angle and a long shot facing the characters Rose and Maddie while they had a conversation on the way out from school. This shot, again relates to the tracking shot used in 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels'. This conversation gives the audience information about both of the characters and what is happening in thier lives, without specifically stating it- for example we know that they are both having 'boy trouble' and they are both students at 6th form etc. We then thought that we could incorporate an over the shoulder shot from behind Maddie to see Roses' shocked face as Maddie steps out into the road while a car is approaching. Maddie then turns around and gets pulled back by Rose as the we can see a shot of the car driving past. This tracking shot was originally going to be a long shot, however we felt that the over the shoulder shot would allow the audience to become more involved with the action and want to continue watching. In our lesson on monday we are going to upload our shots onto Final Cut Express and start to play around with certain aspects of Editing before we then start to film scene 2 and 3.

Lauren Taylor.

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