Friday 23 March 2012

Filming scene 1-23rd March

Filming scene 1-23rd March 

Today we filmed scene 1. It was ECM day at school so we had the whole day free to film, the weather was hot and the sky was blue so it was a perfect day for filming. Filming scene one where I walk out of school and the small conversation me and Maddie have took longer to film than expected. Certain factors such a people getting in the way ruined our shots, the tripod was in the background at one point, we would mess our lines up occasionally or laugh. But once we got shots we were satisfied with we stopped filming. The script didn’t take to long to learn which took me by surprise. Myself and Lauren read over it a couple of times together before filming and we had grasped the script strongly, this was to our advantage as we could proceed to film. We will now import these onto the mac next lesson creating an organised file so it doesn’t become muddled and confusing to produce. We will then make our sub clips and begin to put our thriller together.

By Jordan Gale 

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