Saturday 17 March 2012

The script –finished script 16th, finished storyboarding 15th

The script –finished script 16th, finished storyboarding 15th 

Producing the script, we sat down in our lesson and all contributed to dialogue and stage actions. We had already come up with not only our 5 minute clip but whole movie plan, so we had a foundation to start and put into dialogue. We created two main characters Rose and Maddie who are best friends, from this they have 3 other girls they hang around with, a love interest for Rose and Maddie is added in as we are stylising our thriller on a teen movie. Doug and Dan are the two love interests although Dan is not featured in the thriller but both his and Doug’s part are of equal status. They are only really there to set the ordinary scene (equilibrium) before things become shaken. Extras for the party scene will also been included but as they have no lines or very little lines they have not been mentioned on the script itself. Once we had hand written our script we used another lesson to go up to the computer room and type it up. We also named our thriller oracle whilst typing our script up in the computer room. It means something hidden and throughout the movie the real narrative is hidden from the audience as they are unaware of Maddie’s death or the fact Rose killed her.
Since we first produced the script many changes have been made to script significantly.

This is the the timeline of ideal deadlines I produced to ensure we are orginised  

These are check lists to ensure we have everything ready, Costumes, Locations, Actors and props

By Jordan Gale 

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