Monday 26 March 2012

26th March, Editing Scene One.

26th March, Editing Scene One.

During today's lesson we began editing and putting together the shots we filmed on friday. I started to change around the colours used in the shots, as I added more black and blue to give them an eerie, mysterious effect. When we are happy with the colour, we will then be able to apply this to all of our thriller shots to produce a fantastic, fluent production piece that uses a consistant, unique colour scheme throughout. The first and second shots of the Close up of feet and the cut to Rose walking down the stairs from a simular angle did not flow well together when we uploaded them onto the Mac. We discussed this with our teacher and came to the conclusion that this was due to the 'Rule of Thirds' being broken. The first angle we shot the stairs from, was then slightly different to the second shot, producing an out of proportion and 'jaunty' transition, this was due to the lines of the stairs. We have decided that we are going to film the close up of the feet running all the way down the first set of stairs (instead of cutting to the mid/long shot) with the same inlinement so that the rule of thirds is not broken and it will then produce a more flowing piece of work. We were all very pleased with the tracking shot of the conversation between the two characters, and will keep this. However the over the shoulder shot didnt flow as well as we wanted, so we came to the conclusion that will need to film a small extra shot that will help to link the tracking and over the shoulder shot together, making them flow more successfully. The only problem that we have with reshooting is the fact that is was a very sunny day when we filmed this- plus we will need to make sure that our hair and outfit is the same so the shots fit together! Overall I feel that the filming was successful and allowed us to see that it took around 2 hours to film a very shot piece, therefore we will need to keep this in mind when filming the rest of the shots.
Lauren Taylor

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