Friday 23 March 2012

Script, 16th March.

16th March- Script.

During todays lesson we finished typing up our script together that we will use for our thriller. We composed the script as a group so could make sure we were all pleased with it. Our thriller focuses on a ordinary situation that leads to the unsuspected death of Maddie, however we are going to  include aspects of editing that foreshadow danger and let the audience know that something isn't right. We have included everyday conversation in the script to allow it to flow- I feel that this can be related to the opening scene of 'The Birds' by Alfred Hitchcock that we analysed, as it starts with an everyday situation with 'normal' conversation, playing on Hitchcocks famous quote 'Ordinary people in extraordinary situations'. Also comparing this to Alfred Hitchcock, we have decided that myself and Jordan with be playing the main characters (Rose and Maddie), as Hitchcock often stars in his own films. Anastazja will also be playing another friend in the movie (bedroom scene, getting ready for the party), as we will all then be able to take it in turns to film sections of our thriller. 
Lauren Taylor.

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