Friday 23 March 2012

Update on the media production process - Timeline and story boarding - 13th March

Timeline and Story boarding

In our double lesson today we all worked as a team to create the storyboarding and timeline. It's was important to create a storyboard for our five minute opening thriller as we need to ensure that we work out each shot and all the little details about it, such as what type of shot it is (high angle, mid angle, low angle, mid shot, close up), how long the shot will be e.g. 2 seconds, what soundtracks or sound will be played on that shot e.g. non diegetic or sound bridge, and any extra comments that needed to be added. We have drawn out little pictures of the scene/shot that we hope to film when we start to film the thriller, however some of these could possibly change depending on if the shots and angles that we’ve chosen would work.
We’ve also created a timeline, which is very important, because it allows us to plan and manage out time very well and keep up to date with every work. It’s helped us be more organized and understand how much time we have in till the deadline for this project, which is on the 12th of May. Me and two of the members in my group have written out a big timetable with all the important dates that we are hoping and need to achieve a certain aim or plan, for example, we have written down that we want our story boarding done by Friday 16th March, and all the filming done and put onto the computer before Tuesday 24th April.

By Anastazja Stanowska

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