Friday 23 March 2012


15th March.
After completing our preliminary work, we then moved onto creating our storyboards for the opening of our thriller.
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We managed to keep on target with our Timeline as we completed this storyboard by the 16th March. The opening scene of our thriller is also used at the end of our entire opening too, we all felt that this added a further sense of mystery which would keep the thriller enticing to watch. We decided to add a zoom into the eye of the main charcter (Rose) washing her hands- then fade to black as the film then flicks back to the past to 'recall' the story of how the character has ended up in the situation she is- washing blood off her hands in the sink. This relates to Barton Fink by the Coen Brothers as they also used this extreme zoom then fade to black, it is very effective and will look fantastic if we are able to complete this- we may have to practise quite a few different shots to be able to complete this. Another shot we have decided to use is the tracking shot that we took as insperation from Guy Ritchies Crime film, 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels'. We are using this to follow the two characters (Rose and Maddie) from 6th form, this allows the audience to grasp an understanding of the charcters lives as we follow a general everyday conversation that they have with each other. Yet we also wanted to include foreshadowing of danger and mystery by including aspects that imply the safety of Maddie, for example as she is talking to Rose she nearly walks into a car as she steps out into the road, Rose must pull her back- here we use a over the shoulder shot of Maddie to show Roses' expression of fear, then a reaction shot to the car driving past. Another example of this 'foreshadowing' would be when they are back at Maddies House and the other friends arrive, one of them appears in the mirror behind Rose, making her jump- a 2 second moment of silence will allows the audience to see how Rose is becoming quite jumpy and unsettled- giving away clues to later actions. The smash of a picture frame and a close up to show the crack on Maddies face, again suggests that something may happen to Maddie. This idea was taken from the 'Final Destination' Films as in the 5th film, to foreshadow danger of one of the characters, a picture of her and a friend smashes, leaving a crack on her face in the picture. Later on in the film she then dies by hitting her face on the cracked windscreen of a car. The hot tub scene and party uses a panning shot from a high angle to establish the setting, allowing the audience to familarise themselves with where they are. Previously a sound bridge will be used form the ipod in the bedroom (close up shot) to then following on to the party scene when the music is playing louder. We decided to include another tracking shot where Maddie becomes panicked as she cannot find Rose, she pushes through the 'blurred' (edited) crowd of the party to outside, we felt that this would show Maddies vunrable side, again forshadowing some sort of danger. The final scene we chose to use a p-o-v tracking hand held shot including blurred and distorted jump cuts and clips of the dark setting, as we wanted the audience to be puzzled and confused to who actually dies and what happens to the two characters after Maddies drags her drunk and high best friend form the party. The close-up blood stained hand than runs down the telephone box leaves the audience wondering if this is the character who was washing her hands at the start, or whether it was the other.  As we start to film we may decide to change certain sections, transitions, edits and camerawork as we may find that what we have planned originally doesnt work as well as we thought, and other angles and camerawork suit the scene better and more fluently.

Lauren Taylor.

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