Friday, 20 April 2012

19th April filming the last scene

19th April filming the last scene

Filming the very last scene outside my house we had to do quickly as it was dark cold and late and as we needed to scream we didn’t want to upset the neighbours. It did take quite a few shots to perfect the final product as we only wanted our feet and lower bodies in the shot and Anastazja had trouble running with us at our pace and holding the camera down low, but as soon as we successfully we got the shot we moved on the hand on the tree. To produce this clip we used golden syrup and red food dye to create the blood, Lauren poured it onto her hand both sides and made a hand print on the tree firstly, then Anastazja filmed her slap her hand against the tree where the hand print is and she slid her hand down, as I shined a torch light on it. This is to show Maddie’s death but the audience does not know who’s hand it is at this point in the film (or even the fact she has been murdered) and that is what the rest of the film goes on to resolve so it becomes clear to the audience, but as we are only filming the first 5 minutes we don’t want to give too much away. As I am washing my hands in the sink at the beginning and end of the sequence and I play the character of Rose this may throw the audience off to think that it was my hand on the tree, we mislead the audience so a twist would be revealed at the end of the whole movie if it were to be mad

By Jordan Gale  

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