Thursday 19 April 2012

Update on our media production and Scene 4 - 19/04/12

Today, I and Lauren have stayed behind after school to do some editing for two hours. We’ve chosen all the clips that we wanted to use in the thriller, and we’ve put all of them together in Final Cup Express on the Mac, we’re also started to add sound and do some editing like transactions, which will we continue working on tomorrow.
We also filmed the last scene today, which all three of us felt that it was very successful. This part of the scene didn’t take us very long to take, because it was quite a short scene of Maddie and Rose running and screaming, then a hand gets slammed against a tree which is all covered up in blood, so it gives a mystery of who has killed who. Then at the end of our 5 minute thriller there will be Rose washing her hands in the sink again, to show that it was Rose who killed Maddie. For the shots that we filmed in scene 4 were quite simple, as I only shot Maddie’s and Roses feet, this was to make it unclear about what’s happening. I made the camera shake as well, because we wanted to show that the two girls are drunk and that the camera is following them, so we used a hand held camera shot. The shot on the girls hand covered with blood on the tree was filmed as a close up to show the blood in detail on the hand, and it also created a mysterious atmosphere for the audience as they are unsure who has killed who.
The shot below shows the shot that we’re going to use in our thriller of the two girls running. The lighting is quite dark, but this was to create the scary look and set the genre of the film. We decided to only film the girls lower part of the body’s to emphasise that they are running away.

The print screen below shows the shot that we used to show a hand sliding down the tree, which was shot as a close up.

By Anastazja Stanowska

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